Emerge and Surface

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Robert S. Evans III

So I decided to have some fun with my own version of bleach bypass on some film I shot during a session with my friend and his pet tortoise. My take on the age old process is taking color negs and splitting the development part into 3 steps instead of its normal two my first step is developing in black and white film developer for x amount of time to bring up the true black layer of the film then proceeding into the remainder of the time in color developer. Finally giving the film just a taste of bleach so the film is completely with out high lights, but this step is to taste. Oh almost forgot you most rinse the film in between each step. This process can be temperamental so you have to test. Because I have killed many of roles playing with it.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Robert. I enjoyed having you in class and I am looking forward to seeing you zoom ahead.
