Emerge and Surface

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 2 - JP Agustin

The hottest test shoot I did last weekend (temperature wise). it was a whoppin 112 degrees in Simi Valley. I had to work in high ass afternoon light for a location lighting course. I also wanted to experiment with this situation just in case I have to shoot in this bullshit lighting in the future for a job. Anyhow I always wanted to shoot at a pool so my buddy hooked it up and we shot 11 swimsuit looks. Coming into the shoot, I wanted to go for a soft, natural, and comfortable vibe, but I got bored with that and ended up having the models get all posey and glamorous. Overall it was a decent shoot. Next time I shoot on-location I'm going to wear a sweatband to keep sweat dripping down my eye and stinging the crap out of me.

1 comment:

  1. i cannot imagine the heat that wafted over you and the models. even the concrete looked hot enough to cook on. regardless you managed to shoot images that represent the sensualness of the models. Great color, and composition.
