I was at the Coffee Bean near Sunset Plaza with my friend Steven; we were out to draw dinosaurs and hopefully see Laura Dern (because, why not).
I started sketching a tyrannosaurus, when I added a rider and from there I added a triceratops. I started sketching a second rider when Steven commented that it sort of looked like Angela Lansbury. STROKE OF GENIUS. Literally rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth, dreaming of the possibilities. Angela Lansbury + Dinosaurs?!? Somewhere, Einstein's ghost was racking his brain with the mathematics of this truly momentous occasion.
A few flicks of the pen and my second rider was officially Angela, but we got to musing and trying to create a story... could we one up Angela Lansbury? A tough order to be sure, but we came up with one better... but that's something I'll have to save for later... because its still a dream rattling around inside our heads and not yet ready for prying eyes :)
Its just a pen and ink sketch, but conceptually its one of my favorite things I've done this term.
the dinosaur sketches are you. you live in a world that has only the bones of the past to view, while you long for the "December" of days past. Perhaps your dinosaurs and fascination with the Golden Girls is a correlation of something interesting...