Emerge and Surface

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Karla Week #2

This is the first photograph from my venture into food photography. I'm taking Pornchai's food class this term and our first assignment was to photograph tomatos. I've photographed people from the beginning of my time at Art Center so the prospect of photographing a still object was exciting, new and intimidating. Frankly, The idea that I didn't have to hire a makeup artist, hair stylist, clothing stylist or cast a model nearly sent me into a panic. I can honestly say that I'm pleased with the outcome so far and I'm excited to see where food photography might take me.

1 comment:

  1. Its nice to be able to shoot something that doesn't need any tending to. And can't get tired. Your choice of palette is lovely. the paper bag sets off the yellows and reds.
