Emerge and Surface

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 1 | Robert Pastrana | Illustrator

I was commissioned to do this illustration about
Generation X a while back for the University of 
Redlands. At first glance it may convey some of the bad luck associated with being a Gen-Xer - the prevalent gun violence and the scarcity of employment as compared to previous generations (especially those darn Baby Boomers) are clear evidence of the negative societal traits that those born between 1961 and 1981 inherited. What about that looming number 13? More bad luck? Only if you're superstitious. Gen-Xers are the thirteenth generation for those that start counting from 1776.

Expect some positive contributions from this group. As the first generation to be raised in the Post-Modern era, they have a much easier time living in diverse cultural conditions. They are much more comfortable with race, class and sexual orientation differences than any previous group. To paraphrase Rodney King - they know how to "get along". A worthy trait to pass on to the following generations.

1 comment:

  1. This illustration brings to mind The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Das Cabinet des Doktor Caligari, expressionist film and silent German Robert Wiene released in 1919.)

    The film dealt with madness, sleepwalking and a false reality. You could say certain generations have moments where they feel like they are sleepwalking. I am enjoying the imagery, and the use of icons. The hands almost seem to be saluting rather than waiting for a hand out.

    Looking forward to more of your work, Robert.
