Emerge and Surface

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week #2: Marisa Howenstine, Photographer

Props to My Latest Prop!

I'm constantly amazed over my finds as a prop stylist for my photo shoots. I've had several images revolve around fascinating prop discoveries – animal x-rays, for one – and my latest photo shoot, "The Lovers," is a testament to that.

Perusing through a novelty shop in Silverlake a couple months ago, I came across a chastity belt. Not just any medieval-looking chastity belt, but a contemporary take on one. This chastity belt was made out of pink leather and had silver heart locks on it! Who comes up with this stuff?!?! I had no choice but to buy it – and to create a photo inspired by it!

For imagery ideas, I immediately went to my recent project of interpreting tarot cards (see Week #1 post). While sifting through a tarot card deck, I found "The Lovers" card and knew I had my photograph. After I created the concept, the search began to find find a locksmith who had over 50 keys that matched the original set of chastity belt keys. Imagine the looks I got when explaining why I needed such an exorbitant amount of keys for a chastity belt with heart locks!

My only regret over this photo is that while designing the set, I slipped up on its measurements. I ended up creating a set that could only be framed as a square instead of a rectangle. Because this image doesn't match the shape of my other tarot card photograph, I can't use it as part of my tarot card deck. So I still have 79 more tarot card photos to go!


  1. Thank you so much! Keep posted for more to come! : )

  2. you can still use it if you incorporate a frame that takes in account square and portrait. or extend the top by photoshopping more wall and fireplace, and then using typography on the top. if you do go back and reshoot, consider entwining the models to give it a vertical composition. :O)

  3. Point well taken, Ophelia! Thanks for the suggestion! : )
