Emerge and Surface

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A-List International Magazine Fall 09 Fashion Spread - "Laces on Duty"

This was my first fashion spread I did for a lifestyle magazine called A-List International. The stylist and creative director Reinaldo Irizarry wanted to incorporate boots with couture dresses for an edgy appeal. We also had the models styled with wavy up-dos and contoured makeup. We shot at Chic Little Devil Style house. We planned to shoot on a bright sunny day, but then the clouds came and was starting to drizzle. I decided to use this opportunity to go for an apocalyptic quality with the dramatic clouds in the background. I also applied a slight green cyan cast throughout the images for mood purposes. The editor ended up selecting the images that were going to be published. I did the post production and they said I went overboard on the contrast, sharpness, diffusion and color tinting so some of the images were altered. Overall it was a great and fun shoot and can't wait to do more projects like this. Too bad A-List stopped printing that month. It would have been nice to have a front cover in my book.

To see the rest of the spread: http://issuu.com/alistinternational/docs/alist_nov_lacesonduty

JP Agustin - photographer


  1. Great Work JP! who was the stylist? What did you learn about working with a team?
    Its great that you can work with the environment when it changes on you, you can't control nature, but you can change your focus.

  2. Well I realized working with a team, 85% of the work is done before they arrive on set. All I do is push a shutter button =)

  3. JP: you do more than push, they ask for your vision, how you see the subject and how you work with the subject(s). Pre-production is one of the most fun and frustrating parts of still and film productions. If you have a great team, it works. Which is why all photographers bring their team with them, from the producer to the stylist to their favorite assistant.
