Emerge and Surface

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

John Casey Harris - Where's the Wand?!?


This was an assignment from last term. We were asked, "if we could view any event or period in natural history, what would it be?" Naturally I responded "DINOSAURS! I WANNA SEE DINOSAURS!"

Then the twist. The same question had been given to a group of local first graders and each of us was given one of their responses written on a small piece of paper. Our assignment was to combine the two responses into a series of images.

Mine read "Where's the w**d?!"

Which wasn't that bad. My friend got "I wanna watch Jesus and RoboCop have sex," but REALLY?

Weren't these supposed to be first graders? As in 7 years old? How do they even know about these things. I'm pretty sure RoboCop was rated R... AND CAME OUT IN 1987!

Despite the obvious interpretation, I choose to believe (go denial!) that the kid had been a Harry Potter fan, thus this illustration was born!

The idea for the comic was that the young wizard performed a spell horribly wrong, thus catapulting his wand somewhere into the distant past, where it is found by a precocious juvenile tyrannosaurus!!!

1 comment:

  1. somehow a dinosaur with a wand is just magical. you have a mix of the fantasy mixed with the giant lizard that can grant you a wish ( if he doesn't eat you). It's the Fairy Godinosaur. love the playfulness of the child's mind mixed with your sense of free from whimsy. :O)
