Emerge and Surface

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 3 - JP Agustin

My second shoot with A-List International, but this time the wardrobe stylist was filming for his reality show called Style Protocol and they did the behind-the-scenes . I wasn't really nervous about it until they started to interview me and I couldn't articulate myself one bit. I doubt they'll use it for the show since I sound like a 14year old stoner saying 'ummm' and 'uhhh' a lot...
anyhow the theme was a spring color block concept. I didn't see the pieces before the shoot, but the creative director told me that he'll be using bright hues and was going for something energetic. I decided to light the crap out of the model with 8 lights. I just finished 2nd term and got access to use all the strobes at art center, so i went buckwild and as I look back, I definitely overlit. I felt that the cyan background contrasted well with all the colors and it seemed to work out well, and the crew was happy with it and I was stoked since I didn't have to change the backdrop for every look. They selected the photos, which I wasnt too stoked on b/c there are better images than the ones they used. They also warmed them up a bit and added too much contrast for my taste. oh well at least it was a cool experience....


style protocol promo reel video
you can see the back of my head for 1.2 seconds

1 comment:

  1. We should practice speaking about our work, not just in a crit setting but recording what we say and playing it back. It helps to hear your voice, and how you articulate. When you are talking, you are working on the next sentence and not replaying what you just said. Perhaps we can play a bit with a recorder and hear what we are actually saying.

    To me this images remind me of the catalog shoots from the 80's, like you said, lights lights lights. Somehow its refreshing not to try and figure out what you are looking at, because it's barely lit. Maybe playing a bit more with this concept.
