Emerge and Surface

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week #5: Karla - Photographer

This is a photograph of some punch that I took a little over two weeks ago. I'm hoping to add it to my growing food photography portfolio. The ingredients are real and I'm specifically talking about the ice. I was told ahead of time that real ice is very difficult to shoot and I am not so sure about that. I bought plenty of ice and kept it in a cooler so when it started to melt I just put more in. Next week I'll be trying a shoot with fake ice so it'll be interesting to compare and contrast the different types of ice. This is my first attempt at shooting glass and liquid since product photo class a few terms ago. Over all I am pretty happy with how it turned out, I'm interested in photographing more drinks to see how I improve with practice.

1 comment:

  1. If you shoot on location, in restaurants you will be using real ice. This is a great shot and a great chance to practice for when you have to shoot what the client serves up on location. Nice choice of palette. The cool of the greens with the warmth of the lemon is a nice contrast, with the red as the focus. Good work Karla.
