Emerge and Surface

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 4 Damon Casarez

These are 2 shots I did for an assignment to shoot a child. This 6 year old was great to work with, he took direction very well and got into character very quick. I've been trying to get a little bit more aggressive with my composition and photographed the 2nd image with more environment and a slightly higher point of view. My favorite is the 2nd shot but my teacher and other students have chose the 1st one as the more successful photo.

This picture was inspired by the children I often see riding bikes and scooters by themselves at night in North Pasadena, usually around 10-11:30 pm. I was always both shocked and intrigued when seeing these kids. I had always wondered where their parents were, or if their parents knew that their kids were gone. I am interested in how people would read the photo and if my idea came through the photograph or if they just view it for what it is, a child at night.

1 comment:

  1. I prefer the first one as well, the way the background swoops down and up frames him nicely.The second one he is lost in the background. If the shadow of the lamp post was not there, it would frame him by having him the one focus.

    You are the storyteller and you show what you want to show because you want to control the story. That's how images work. More abstract images allow more leeway in interpretation (i.e. Jackson Pollock). Maybe crowding your images with more content so that there is no focus is the way you want to go, and maybe that's why your favorite is the 2nd image.
